A Guide to Overseas Travel

Digital Nomad in Bali: The Ultimate Guide

Digital Nomad Guide To Bali

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What is a Digital Nomad?

A digital nomad is a person who works from anywhere and travels to work. It’s hard to describe, but the best way I can think of it is like an ex-pat who has moved to a new country but still keeps some ties with their home country. It’s a tricky subject because it has different meanings for different people. Some digital nomads live out of their suitcases and travel worldwide for a year or two, while others live in a place they love and likely never leave. I’m pretty new to this digital nomad lifestyle myself, so this book is still a work in progress.

What are the benefits of being a digital nomad?

The number one benefit to being a digital nomad is freedom. You have the power to decide when and where you work, so it’s genuinely your choice. I know for myself that I wouldn’t have gotten this far without the freedom that being a digital nomad offered me.

You also get to work from anywhere in the world and not worry about endless hours of commuting to work. I have a pretty flexible schedule, and having the flexibility to choose when I want to take on new projects is enormous for me.

What are some common misconceptions about being a digital nomad?

The biggest misconception I encounter is that digital nomads can’t work for a living. Of course, we don’t all live off of our income as a digital nomad – but I believe in the importance of maintaining a real income, both for the sake of saving money and to provide stability.

The second misconception I encounter is that digital nomads are freelancers who travel from city to city and work remotely from each location. There are a lot of digital nomads who are in full-time jobs while they travel, which I see as a much more sustainable approach to travel.

What’s the coolest thing you’ve done on a digital nomad trip? I took an epic road trip through Iceland and Ireland to visit family. It was more than worth the time away from my office to see my family. I’m pretty proud of the fact that I was able to afford a 3-month road trip, even though I had never traveled before, and that I didn’t leave my digital nomad job for a single minute.

What’s the most important lesson you’ve learned from becoming a digital nomad? To be a successful digital nomad, you have to:

  1. Be happy with your life and career before you start traveling

2. Have a reasonable amount of money to travel in the first place

3. Keep learning and growing, even if it’s outside of your comfort zone

4. Have a great support system at home

How much does it cost to be a digital nomad in Bali?

Digital Nomad Bali Expenses

How much does it cost to be a digital nomad in Bali, Indonesia?

I’m sure you’ve heard the saying that “money isn’t everything,” but this isn’t true anymore for digital nomads.

How much money do you need to be a digital nomad in Bali?

Suppose you are in the process of planning your first trip as a digital nomad. In that case, you may be wondering how much money you will need to be able to cover your initial expenses, including travel, accommodation, and food.

I can quickly write a long-winded article about this topic, but I will keep this one very simple.

If you are crunching the numbers to figure out how much money you will need to be able to cover your expenses in Bali, here’s where you need to start:

You will need enough money to cover your first month living in Bali.

Now, this doesn’t necessarily mean that you will have to spend the first month of your trip living in a hostel. Don’t worry. There are plenty of ways to get by without spending too much money.

But before you go on any crazy spending spree, you need to make sure that you have enough money in the bank to cover your expenses for a month.

This means you need to know how much money you will need to cover your expenses and make a living in Bali.

Suppose you have more money than that, then great! Buy yourself the best ocarina or whatever else you want. If not, then there are ways to make your money stretch a little farther.

If you have less than $500 in the bank, then it would be best to stay local and save up more money to travel around the world. 

Once you have arrived in Bali, one of the first things you will want to do is try and find a job. If you are a skilled worker, then this will be easy. However, if you still have no experience in your field and do not speak the language, you may find it very difficult to find a job. This is another reason it’s so important to learn the language before coming.

What do you need for your own tropical nomads life style in Bali?

You will probably need a laptop or PC and the internet. This can be done by either renting a computer or buying one. As for the internet, you should get this for free if you are a local. If you do not have a laptop or computer, try contacting an internet cafe in Bali.

What things can I get from this guide that will help me survive in Bali? The best way to get around the island is by renting a motorbike, which is very cheap, especially if you only stay for a short time. If you want to visit for more than a month, you should get a motorcycle instead.

When it comes to groceries, you do not need much. It is best to buy your food from the local markets. If you want to eat out, you can easily buy food from the local restaurants.

Why do people travel to Bali as a digital nomad?

Bali is one of the most beautiful islands in the world. There are hundreds of beaches, rivers, and mountains to offer a variety of scenery. Bali is home to some of Indonesia’s best resources for nature. As a digital nomad, you can use these natural resources to your advantage. The local people of Bali are charming and helpful. They will not ask you for money, and they will help you if they can. Unlike the western countries, there is no selfishness in the culture of Indonesia.

One of the best things about Bali is the cost of living. Bali’s living costs are among the lowest in Southeast Asia and can be as low as 15 to 20 percent of the cost in more developed countries. While there is a general minimum wage for workers, most people are paid according to their skills or level of education. For example, an IT engineer or graphic designer will earn more than a driver. An excellent place to find apartments is in Seminyak, which is considered the most fashionable and touristy area of Bali. Living in Seminyak or Ubud can be comfortable, but you may have to live in a hostel or even more cheaply in a dorm. There are also many backpackers’ hostels in this area of Bali.

How to prepare for a trip to Bali?

Before you make your trip to Bali, think about what kind of weather you like and where in the world you prefer to travel. If you want sun but don’t mind cold, Bali is the place for you. If you’re going to be close to a beach but don’t mind the rain, the northern part of Bali is best for you. And if you prefer hot weather, the southern part of Bali is best for you. Many people who travel to Bali find that they love it no matter its weather.

What is the best time to go to Bali?

If you want a lot of rain, you should go from December to February. But if you are looking for hot weather all year round, the best time to go is between June and October. This is the time when Bali doesn’t have much rain. The outside temperature in Bali during this time of year rarely goes above 20 C, so that you will have hot weather all year round.

The dry season is when you can expect very few rainfalls in Bali.

It has been said that the best time to visit Bali is from December to February.

During these months, the weather is usually warm and dry. The rain comes in April and May, when it’s already hot outside, making it a great time to enjoy all that Bali has to offer.

Visiting Bali is between June and October.

During this period, the weather in Bali is not as hot as it can be from April onwards.

The rain comes in September and October, bringing some relief from the heat. As we all know, the rainy season in Bali usually lasts for two months. Therefore, it is better to catch good weather before September and October.

Bali has a dry season that lasts from mid-December to February. During this period, you can expect very few rainfalls in Bali.

Bali has a tropical monsoon climate, so there is no distinct dry season in Bali.

The weather in November, December, and January can be pretty cool, with the average temperatures of 25ºC to 28ºC.

Where can I find online resources for Digital Nomads?

Digital Nomad Resources

Here are some online resources for digital nomads:

Facebook group Digital Nomad Bali. This is an excellent place to ask questions on things you don’t understand or find answers to your questions.

International Digital Nomad Meetup Group for Indonesia. This is a great place to meet other digital nomads and ask questions about living in Bali, especially new to the area.

Indonesia Digital Nomad Group on Facebook. This is an active group with many questions about living in Bali and the lifestyle of digital nomads.

Meetup.com is a great place to find digital nomads in your area.

Digital Nomad Career blog. This blog is an excellent resource for finding jobs in Digital Marketing and Technology, as well as digital nomad blogs from around the world.

Meetup.com is a great place to find digital nomads in your area.

Digital Nomad Life Blog by Kari Doss. This blog is an excellent resource for finding early-career digital nomad jobs and blogging.

Digital Nomads Unite Blog: This blog has many resources, including job postings, travel tips, digital nomad lifestyle, and digital nomad job postings.

Digital Nomads United is an excellent resource for finding jobs, tips on how to get a digital nomad job, and other great resources.

Digital Nomad Job Board

Digital Nomad Blogs: This is a great site to find blogs by Digital Nomads, which include digital nomad lifestyle tips and advice on how to travel the world as a digital nomad.

Digital Nomads Blogs: This blog contains many great tips and articles written by Digital Nomads for Digital Nomads to help them become better digital nomads.

Digital Nomads Blog: This blog is for people who want to quit their jobs and travel the world as digital nomads.

Digital Nomad Site: This blog focuses on digital nomads looking for inspiration or reviews of products that will help them be better digital nomads.

Digital Nomads Blog: This is a great blog to answer the most frequently asked questions about digital nomad life.

Digital Nomad: This is a great blog that focuses on finding work as a digital nomad, starting a business while traveling, and working from anywhere

How long it will take to get a digital nomad visa in Bali?

You are not required to hold a visa or have an entry stamp in your passport if you visit Bali for less than 30 days. This includes digital nomads.

To enter Bali, digital nomads can use a passport card or the second page of their passport. You will not have to show an entry stamp in your digital nomad passport if you only make a one-day stopover in Bali.

If digital nomads are going to Bali for 30 days or longer, they must get a digital nomad visa.

To get a digital nomad visa, digital nomads have to fill out an online e-visa application form that includes basic information such as your name, nationality, and passport number.

What is the cost of getting an Indonesian Digital Nomad Visa?

The cost of getting a Digital Nomad Visa in Bali is much less than in most other countries.

It is 45 USD on the Dolly Tourist (DOT) application (the maximum cost is 70 USD).

You will need to fill out a form before leaving the country of origin. The application fee does not include your visa, which can be paid at the immigration services in the airport.

After landing, you can visit the immigration service with a reference number given to you when the application was made. Pay for your visa at this point, and you are all set to go.

How long does it take to get a Digital Nomad Visa in Bali?

The application can be made from anywhere globally, but the visa is only valid for the country of origin. For example, if you are from Canada and want to travel to Bali, your application must be made in Canada.

The visa is suitable for 90 days. If you plan to stay longer, you can extend your access.

What documents do I need for the Digital Nomad Visa in Bali?

You will need a passport with at least six months of remaining validity. The passport must be valid for at least six months from when your visa is issued. Otherwise, you will not be allowed to enter Bali.

You should also have a return ticket or itinerary to show that you intend to leave Bali.

How do I apply for the Digital Nomad Visa in Bali?

You can either make a trip to Bali or apply online.

If you are in Bali to apply, then bring the following items with you:

  • A digital photograph 3×4 cm. (The digital photo must have a white background and be produced according to ISO / IEC 19794: 2005 or Byte DM 010011)
  • Original passport with at least six months of remaining validity. The passport must be valid for at least six months from the date that your visa is issued, otherwise you will not be allowed to enter Bali.

Some activities for digital nomads in Bali

  • Buy an Elephant from the temples in Ubud and ride it to Lovina beach. But make sure to have extra cash for the tour guide, which will be charged separately.
  • Visit the Warung Mamas in Sanur beach. The owner is a former TV host and she will make you feel like royalty.
  • Go for a spa treatment at one of Bali’s many resorts. You may be able to get a discount if you are staying in the resort itself.
  • Go for salsa dancing lessons at the Dance school in Seminyak (Papaya Room). You can also go for an English lesson at the same place.
  • Go for a surf lesson at Uluwatu and watch the sunset from there. One of my favourite memories is when my husband and I stood on the beach in Uluwatu watching the sunset.
  • Visit a Balinese temple. The temples are gorgeous and will definitely make you feel like you have stepped back in time.
  • Go for a cooking class and learn how to cook some local dishes. You can get the ingredients from stores in Sanur beach area or you can go for a tour that offers cooking classes.
  • Go for a Bali mask making workshop. My husband and I did it and it was amazing. It’s kind of like a party, everyone is there to learn this art and it’s fun and easy to learn.
  • Go for a cooking class at the Balinese school in Seminyak (Papaya Room).
  • Go for a yoga and meditation session at Yogi, yoga is very popular in Bali but not many people practice.
  • Go for a tour of the temples and rice fields in Pemuteran (1 hour drive from Seminyak).
  • Go for a surf lesson at a surf school. They’re cheap and very enjoyable. You can also rent a surfboard from Seminyak Beach Resort in Sanur area.

Where can you find a place to live in Bali as a Digital Nomad?

Bali Where To Live

You can live from the beach in Seminyak. I recommend that you stay at one of the hotels in the Seminyak area. Make sure you book your room well in advance (1 month to 2 months). You can also stay at one of the guesthouses in Seminyak. I recommend that you book your room at least one month in advance.

The guesthouse is usually cheaper but also tends to be less comfortable. You’ll find some recommendations for guesthouses and hotels in the Seminyak area at the end of this post. And if you like, you can always rent a room from a friend in Seminyak. Most of them are pretty affordable.

You can also live in Bali with Airbnb or another similar service. It’s not cheap to stay at an Airbnb when you’re traveling alone, but for a couple, it’s usually more economical and, in any case, way better than staying at the hotel.

Airbnb is an excellent source of information about local culture and to meet people. The problem is that the majority of the Airbnb’s in Bali are hostels (which I don’t recommend) and, therefore, quite noisy at night. Also, it’s not quite as pretty as staying in a hotel.

I had to stay at Airbnb to feel for the place until I found my favorite and most affordable one: Pacita Villa.

I stayed there for one month, and the room was soo nice, the bathroom was terrific, they had a huge TV, a fridge and two fans. The best part of this Airbnb is that it’s not in the heart of Kuta, which was perfect because I had a rental car and explored other parts of Bali without having to walk around all night.

The best way to get to Pacita Villa is by taking a taxi from the airport and then another from their location. Their house is located in the southeast of Denpasar, close to Canggu, and about 30 minutes from the airport.

This is how I found Pacita Villa when I got there:

And after my stay I recommend it!! As soon as you enter their house, you feel at home. The whole place is so chilled and friendly, and they always have a cup of tea waiting for you!

I would strongly recommend not staying anywhere else in Bali but here. The house is so well organized and clean, with everything you need to cook your meals (and the instructions are in English too – I didn’t know how to use the oven) and the beds are comfy, and the pillows are like clouds. I always felt at home in this house. All the members of the family were so lovely and friendly. And since it is a small house, it feels homely, and you will feel like you are at home for days.

My favorite part is the roof terrace with hammock and lounge chairs. I loved going up there in the mornings with a good book and sitting under the stars at night. Everyone was so accommodating and friendly; they made me feel so comfortable. The location is perfect too, only 5 minutes walk from the main street and 10 minutes walk from the beach. I would highly recommend staying here to anyone that loves a quiet, relaxing break in an authentic Balinese house.

My favorite things about this place:

The family atmosphere – How the whole house is like one big living room – The roof terrace where you can sleep with the ceiling fans and read a book in the hammock.

What to expect:

An ample, open living space – Two rooftop terraces – Private bathroom with hot water and AC (room 1) – Shared toilet and kitchen (room 2) – Built-in wardrobe in the main bedroom – A beautiful garden with lots of coconut and fruit trees.

About the place:

This is a large, traditional Balinese house that has been renovated with a lot of love. It’s very comfortable, airy and relaxing. We have two rooms to rent in the house. The room is completely private with its bathroom and kitchenette, and the second room is shared with the other guests of the house.

The bathroom has a shower, a bathtub, and a fantastic terrace with ceiling fans. There’s also hot water in the shower so you can relax in the bath after a day of exploring. The kitchen is shared with other guests and has all the basic utensils to cook simple meals, but we don’t provide breakfast or cleaning services.

About the neighborhood:

The house is located in a tranquil street. It’s incredibly safe, and supermarkets, restaurants, and other shops are nearby. We’re also within walking distance from the beach.

About the activities:

We can show you around Ubud and help you find different places in this magical town. We’ll also accompany you on day trips, like visiting the rice fields, trekking through the jungle to a waterfall, or swimming in a river.

What are some of the best places for digital nomads in Bali?

Bali is an excellent place for digital nomads because it’s not very expensive. It’s perfect if you want to travel, but don’t want to spend all your money on fancy hotels and expensive food. There are also plenty of events and meetups in Bali that you can join, so you won’t feel like you’re missing out on anything.

What are some of the best ways to travel in Bali?

One of the best ways to travel in Bali is renting a motorbike. If you want to discover Bali, you can rent a bike for $5 per day and ride through the village. You can also rent scooters and motorbikes in Bali for about $10-20 USD per day.

How do you get around?

If you rent a bike, you can ride it anywhere. There are also plenty of motorbike drivers who zigzag around traffic and drive at crazy speeds to make sure they get you to your destination in time. You can also take a scooter from one place to another and see some of the beautiful scenery on the way.

How do you get around by public transportation?

If you want to take the bus or the train, you can do that. Bali has a few different buses and trains, but they are not very frequent. If you plan on being in Bali for a while, you can take a motorbike and rent it for $5 a day or find somebody to rent their bike from them.

How do you get around by car?

While I was there, many people were driving around with cars, and in some places, you could see a few mini-vans. These vans are used more for business purposes, and they are costly. The average car you can find is a Toyota Rav 4, their miniature van version of the Rav 3. The price of this car starts at $60 for the base model and goes up from there.

How do you get around by mini-van?

If you don’t feel like renting a car or just don’t want to spend all your money on a car, I recommend that you get a mini-van and try to find somebody who rents their van for $5 a day. It’s not as convenient because you have to find somebody to rent their van to you, and also there’s the issue of waiting for them to return your car. It’s kind of an expensive way to go, but it is very cheap, especially if you consider the money you will save on a car payment every year. If you decide to get a van, I recommend that you look for something made by Toyota like this one.

This is a hybrid van, and it can travel up to 500 km per tank of gas. The fact that it’s a hybrid is significant because the average person in America spends over 30 thousand dollars on gasoline every year. If you can reduce that, you will be saving a lot of money. It’s also nice because it has lots of space for all your stuff, whether it’s camping gear or clothes or whatever.

It is very cheap, especially if you consider the money you will save on a car payment every year. If you decide to get a van, I recommend that you look for something made by Toyota like this one. This is a hybrid van, and it can travel up to 500 km per tank of gas. The fact that it’s a hybrid is significant because it will help you to save on gas.

What are the pros of being a digital nomad?

Being a digital nomad is one of the most lucrative and flexible ways to earn money. The capital you need to start your own business is not that much, especially if you are only planning to stay for a short time. Once you get your first clients, you can work from anywhere and anytime convenient to you.

If you are interested in traveling the world or just want to explore the world, this is your chance. It’s easily affordable, and you can do it from anywhere. You don’t need a big company or even a big salary, and you can even work part-time and make good money.

What are the cons of being a digital nomad?

You might want to live in one city or country for a while, but this is not possible without going broke. You don’t have to be a digital nomad to work remotely. So why do people go for it?

People who travel the world often want to see the world. They want to see all the places, not just for a few days or weeks but for months or years at a time. People do it because they love adventure and new experiences. They want to make money while doing something they love. They are also more likely to be happy and have a lighter workload.

They don’t mind working from coffee shops or co-working spaces, as long as they can work in peace.

In a world where we have to check our phones, even at the toilet, it’s nice to disconnect from everything and enjoy your surroundings without feeling like you’re missing out. There’s also a lot of room in your life to travel and still do the things you have to do every day.

Doing digital nomad work allows you to get paid to do the things you love. You can be in Bali while working from home or in another city.

Digital nomads don’t have to spend a lot of money traveling around every time they want to get away from it all. They can work efficiently in their home office, from any coffee shop, or even the beach.

But what exactly is a digital nomad?

It’s someone who works from home, travels when they want to, and lives a more flexible lifestyle. They don’t have to be stuck in an office for 8 hours each day working on a 9-to-5 schedule.

I’ve been a digital nomad for four years now, and it’s become my way of life. I travel the world, live cheaply on a budget, and have the freedom to do as I please without dealing with the typical 9-to-5 environment.

What are some places to find fellow digital nomads?

I’d say the most obvious place is on Facebook. A Facebook group specifically serves as a digital nomad community called Digital Nomads Worldwide.

Another great source to find fellow digital nomads is Meetup.com. You can search for groups that meet in a specific area and invite your friends to join you there.

I also recommend finding groups on LinkedIn. You can search by industry or city and join groups that match your experience level.

How do you get insurance for your trip and what types of insurance should you have?

Digital Nomad Insurance

If you’re staying in one spot for a long time and making sure to get some exercise and eat healthily, insurance coverage isn’t as important.

But if you’ll be moving around constantly, checking out different places, eating all sorts of foods from foreign countries (that could have an impact on your body), it’s essential to find suitable insurance.

I recommend having travel insurance if you get sick or have an accident and need to go to the hospital. I also recommend getting coverage for your digital devices and luggage. Having good digital device protection will ensure your laptop, phone, and camera are covered if something happens to them on the trip.

What do digital nomads eat?

It all depends on how much you want to spend. You can find cheap food at local joints for as low as $1, or you can go to more excellent restaurants and pay $20+.

Keep in mind digital nomads are continuously checking out the latest cafes and restaurants so that the cheapest meals may be crowded with digital nomads.

As digital nomads, our only priority is work (and perhaps our personal lives), so we’re more likely to eat before the computer than go out for a nice dinner date.

I’ll admit it: I rarely cook while traveling, and I often have simple meals at home or on the go as digital nomad snacks, like fruit, nuts, and granola bars.

If you’re looking to try out more digital nomad recipes and cooking hacks, I recommend checking out Nom Nom Paleo. It’s a digital cookbook that teaches about specific ingredients, which is helpful if you’re traveling worldwide (you’ll have a better idea of what kind of food is available).

How do you connect with the local community if you’re traveling solo?

One of the best digital nomad communities is Digital Nomads Bali. This digital nomad group is in Ubud, a beautiful town on the island of Bali.

You can easily find digital nomad events, thereby joining their Facebook group or checking out their website.

I also recommend finding co-working spaces that have digital nomad communities. They’re often very open to hosting digital nomad events and workshops.

While traveling, many digital nomads I’ve met have local meetups through Meetup.com or Facebook (just search for digital nomads in your city).

##I’m just getting started as a digital nomad, but I don’t know where to go. What are some digital nomad hotspots?

Digital nomads can work from anywhere with Wi-Fi access (we even do it at the beach and in the mountains).

But that said, there are digital nomad hotspots around the world where lots of digital nomads tend to congregate… and you’ll probably see digital nomads working in these places.

What do you need to know about living as a digital nomad in Bali?

Bali is an incredible digital nomad hotspot. The digital nomads are usually ex-pats who either moved for family reasons or decided to move because it’s much cheaper to live in Bali than their home country.

Bali digital nomads often have a business back at home (or they work for a company that lets them work remotely), so they’re digital nomads by choice. They know digital nomading is not a forever lifestyle, but they enjoy flexibility and location independence.

It’s easier to be a digital nomad in Bali than many other places because it’s easy to rent a house or apartment (most of them are already connected with high-speed Wi-Fi), and digital nomads can find digital nomad jobs there (like digital marketing, blogging, or teaching yoga classes online).

As a digital nomad in Bali, you’ll probably spend around $1000-$1500 per month. You might need to sacrifice your social life and entertainment, but it should be an excellent digital nomad adventure.


If you’re getting started as a digital nomad, the digital nomad hotspots can be overwhelming. Bali is one of many digital nomad hotspots around the world where there are plenty of digital nomads and resources to help make life easier for digital nomads. If you want to learn more about how it’s like living in Bali or other destinations that might suit your needs better, this article has provided some great insights.

The digital nomad lifestyle has exploded in popularity over the past few years. Not only are digital nomads becoming increasingly common, but digital nomad resources and communities have flourished as well. If digital nomads continue on this path of growth – which many expect to be the case – we should continue to see digital nomad lifestyles evolve and develop worldwide.

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